Be in contact with your fleet vehicles outside the Cameroonian territory.
Be in contact with your fleet vehicles outside the Cameroonian territory.
Be in contact with your fleet vehicles outside the Cameroonian territory. Plan the itineraries of your vehicles with Orange Business M2M and follow them up normally ; activate or disactivate your health, security and other equipments at a distance.
In Roaming, continue to follow your fleet vehicles in Gabon, RDC, Central Africa, Nigeria and Chad.
Customer benefits:
L’offre Orange Business M2M s’adapte au volume de data que vous commandez au cours du mois. Il permet de contrôler la position de vos véhicules et de les gérer à distance. Lorsque vous souscrivez à notre offre, vous recevez des cartes SIM dédiées. Enfin les appels sortant sont bloqués par défaut afin de vous permettre de réaliser des économies. The Orange Business M2M adapts to the volume data that you demand in the course of the month. It permits you to control the position of your vehicles and to manage them at a distance. When you subscribe to our offer, you receive dedicated SMS cards. Out going calls are blocked at default to permit you reduce cost.